Gargouilles pour la tourelle du transept sud de l'ancienne cathédrale, dessin de Viollet-le-Duc
Médiathèque du Patrimoine. Cl. Philippe Berthé © CNMHS, Paris.  
Elevation of the west facade of the
old Saint-Nazaire - Saint-Celse
Cathedral before restoration.
Médiathèque du Patrimoine. Cl. Philippe Berthé © CNMHS.
Projet de restauration de l'église Saint-Nazaire, élévation de la façade nord. Viollet-le-Duc, plume, lavis, aquarelle, 1844.
 he abolition of the cathedral chapter in 1790 and the transfer of the bishopric to the Saint-Louis Bastide threatened the state of the old cathedral. The parishioners' concern and Jean-Pierre Cros-Mayrevieille's discovery of the tomb of Bishop Guillaume Radulphe in one of the chapels contributed to the classification of the edifice in 1840. Thereafter, the fate of the church was placed in the hands of the Commission supérieure des monuments historiques.
In 1843, Mérimée appointed Eugène Viollet-le-Duc to research and survey the church. This was the young architect's first appointment in Carcassonne.
Restoration work under Viollet-le-Duc began in 1844. He brought in a team of masons, master glassworkers and sculptors and the contractor, Jean Magné, who was to remain with him throughout the work on the city fortifications.
Restoration work continued till 1864. Viollet-le-Duc, rebuilt the west facade, restored the stained glass windows, the nave pillars, the buttresses and masonry of the choir. Wishing to preserve the original sculptures, he had the gargoyles and cornices that decorated the upper levels of the church taken down and restored.
Gargouilles pour la tourelle du transept sud de l'ancienne cathédrale, dessin de Viollet-le-Duc

 Chronology of work under
 Viollet-le-Duc and his
 successor Paul Boeswillwald
 The old Saint-Nazaire
 Saint-Celse Cathedral
 The Narbonne Gate
 The Saint-Nazaire Gate
 The West Fortifications
 The North Fortifications
 The Restoration Site
 After the Death of
 Viollet-le-Duc :
 Paul Boeswillwald
  The old Saint-Nazaire
Saint-Celse Cathedral,
viewed from the north.
Viollet-le-Duc, drawing
  Médiathèque du Patrimoine. Cl. Philippe Berthé © CNMHS